
我是一個熱愛動物的智利人,我叫Ricardo(睿先生),我曾有過2隻貓、3隻狗狗的養寵物經驗,目前飼養著1隻領養的橘貓與德國牧羊犬,從小就與寵物的相處讓我從他們身上也學習到很多知識經驗,我相信以我過往的經驗一定能夠將您心愛的寵物照顧的無微不至!另外,我會講英文、西班牙文和一點中文,歡迎與我聯繫! Hello, my name is Ricardo, 29 years old from Chile. I here I studied for 9 months Chinese and looking for a job, I like cats and dogs, I have 1 each in my country so I thoughts this work could be great for me. In Chile, in all my life I had a lot of dogs, most of them don’t have “breed”. My current dog is a German Shepherd and she is 5 years old. I have 2 cats in my life as well, Romina who already died was 18 years old, and Pangui is 7 years old. I live in a big house in Chile, my cats and dogs are lucky and can make a lot of exercises. Any customer who has a dog or cat and doesn’t have enough time to go for a walk for them or even pass time with them, I can help with anything that is in my hands. Dogs and cats are different animals in their behavior, but I like them both, so enjoy time with them in this job could be amazing.