
台灣人。東京藝術大學美術研究科GAP課程碩士畢業。曾服務於日本東京國立新美術館。 可家教日語與繪畫課程。 製作平面設計和繪畫及裝置藝術。 承接平面設計、插畫、日中藝術展覽書信翻譯、小型台日接洽展覽策劃等 東京に4年間滞在して、今台湾に戻りました。 東京藝術大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻修士 修了 主に油絵とインストレーション作品を制作しています。 イラスト、名刺、ポスター、はがき等デザインを承ります。 展示歴 2014 「波WAVE」個展feat.子豪 背客Hostel (個展、台湾、高雄 ) 2014 石虎森林創作保育特展 聯展 臺北市立動物園 (グループ展、台湾、台北) 2015 陳璐 初展 江戸川区総合文化センター (個展、日本、東京) 2015 5 月 「太郎かアリスの Liquid」(グループ展、日本、東京) 2015 7 月 「太郎かアリスの One Box and One Piece」(グループ展、日本、東京) 2016 東京藝術大学油画専攻研究生展示,(グループ展、日本、東京) 2016 “BIWAKO ART CONTEST”BIWAKO大賞展入選(日本、滋賀県) 2016 大邱大学国際交流作品展 大邱大学造形芸術大学美術館、韓国 2016.9.13-2016.11.6 瀬戸内国際芸術祭2016 東京藝術大学xロンドン芸術大学国際共同プロジェクト 「複雑なトポグラフィー――動態と変化」 Complex Topography: Movement and Change (グループ展、香川県高松市) 2017.2.23-2017.2.28 東京都美術館JAALA公募展(グループ展、日本、東京) 2018.1.28-2018.2.3 第66回 東京藝術大学 卒業・修了作品展|第1回 大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻修了作品展 2018.10.19-2018.10.28 4C展 (グループ展、 石川県金沢市) 2019.0*********.05 第二回 4C 画展台灣場:台日4人聯合畫展The 2nd #4C ART Exhibition (グループ展、 台湾台北淡水) Bio Born 1990 in Chanhua, Taiwan, she received her BS in Simulation & Design from Shin Chien University in 2013. And she earned A Master of Arts from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2018. She is a painter but also makes installations. The starting point of her work is existent problems about vulnerable groups and their distance from our stereotypes. Her works have been exhibited at galleries and public spaces in Taiwan and Japan, such as “BIWAKO ART CONTEST”(the Museum of Modern Art, Shiga, 2016), “Taro or Alice-Liquid(group exhibition, Yukobo Art Space.)” Artist Statement In recent years, my starting point of creation is problems about existence between vulnerable groups and our stereotypes. I use symbols(animals) to make metaphors to express my problems. On the other hand, I observe various kinds of animals' behavior and mix this with my impression. Then, my thoughts are converted and reflected in my work. What is the difference between humans and animals? In fact, human babies act just like animals as they are yet to take any role in the human society. Or as they are not involved in any cultural activities. After receiving education, we started to know our different gender (or “to believe”), we are live in communities such as family, schools or towns, and known our difference from others. At the same time, stereotypes about the human society slip into our mind. As a way to think about those two things, for example, I would stand on the others' and animals’ point to consider. In addition, I think that other humans and animals are “mirrors” which reflect my present, past and future. Mirrors are embedded in the painting of the animals, and when a visitor sees the reflection, he/she does not simply look at their reflection― they see themselves as part of the picture, in which they are on the same stage as the depicted animal.