
您好!我是今年剛從美國回來的鋼琴演奏藝術博士張老師,(University of Kansas: DMA for piano performance) 也是國中音樂班的外聘兼任鋼琴老師=) 現在在台北與新北市地區教授鋼琴與樂理。求學過程陸續累積10年教學經驗。我致力於給每一位學生最適合的教學,從初階鋼琴到專業,興趣學習、比賽、檢定、與升學都可以提供教學! 線上課鐘點費: NT 900~1600/50分鐘 (學生家裡至少要有電鋼琴。平價合理教學,通常價位會在 NT900-1100,除非學生真的程度深厚,不然我不會收太高的學費。) 到老師家上課鋼琴鐘點:NT900 ~1600/ 50分鐘 (樹林火車站附近,使用日本河合(Kawai)平台3號琴授課) 到府授課鐘點 NT1100~1800/50分鐘 (新北市 台北市 費用依照學生程度與車程算 目前可到府授課的時間剩下禮拜五的早上與晚上) 老師會給每位學生留 60 分鐘,50 分鐘實際教學+10 分鐘的討論 可 中/英文上課 Youtube 表演連結:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrSSxuR1VnQWUhvRfW7OcZA 臉書粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/people/%E6%94%BE%E5%BF%83%E5%BE%AE%E7%AC%91%E9%8B%BC%E7%90%B4%E5%B7%A5%E4%BD%9C%E5%AE%A4-Dr-Changs-Piano-Studio/100071515658297/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/drchangpianostudio/ 教學理念 1. 我想讓學生最終得到學習鋼琴的樂趣,幫助他們實現自己的目標 2. 透過音樂建立藝術鑑賞 3. 幫助學生以正確的方式練琴,教導如何使用放鬆的肌肉演奏,因為放鬆的肌肉演奏可以彈出漂亮的音色,克服許多技巧問題,尤其是防止因使用不舒服的肌肉而受傷 4. 一直試著了解學生,盡量以鼓勵而不是責備 5. 找出最適合每位學生的教學方式 6. 讓音樂成為學生的陪伴,即便不走專業,當學生們年紀漸長,依然可以坐在鋼琴旁邊享受彈琴的樂趣 Hi everyone, I just came back to Taiwan this year. I currently teach piano/music theory in Taipei and New Taipei city I am a professional pianist offering private piano and theory lessons to students of all levels. I had 10 years of teaching experience. I dedicate to find the best suitable way to help each of my student. I teach piano lessons from classical to contemporary, from beginner level to advanced level. If the student is interested in more serious approach, I can also guide preparation for grades 1-8 of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) exams, or other music exams/some competitions/ preparation for school audition or recitals. Tuition Now I Only Offer Webcam Lesson! I give each student 60 minutes (50 minutes for teaching + 10 minutes for communication with student or parents.) Webcam lesson NT 900-1600 Students come to my studio NT900-1600 (New Taipei City) I come to your place : NT 1100~1800 (only for Taipei and New Taipei City) About my Teaching Philosophy 1. As a teacher, I like to help students to enjoy learning piano, helping them achieve their goals. 2. I hope I can build their value on the appreciation of music art. 3. I want to help students to practice piano with correct way. I will concern more on how to use relax muscle to play, because only relax muscle playing can make beautiful sounding, can overcome many technique issues, especially preventing from getting hurt from uncomfortable muscle playing. 4. I sincerely hope one day students can really love to play the piano, having the music as life-long companion, even they don't want to be a professional pianist. About my Educational background Doctor of Musical Arts in piano performance from the University of Kansas Master of Music and Teaching Artist Certificate from the Longy School of Bard College Music Certificate from Bowling Green State University, Association A member of Phi Kappa Phi, MTNA, and NEKMTA.