這張照片是 一個品牌的設計方案,其中最重要的是 “EVERMADE” 的品牌標誌,它由兩個字母 “E” 和 “S” 組成,並配以簡潔的字體設計,以及一個由多個 “E” 組成的新形狀的標誌。




yenlinshen design

yenlinshen design

台北市 中正區

平面設計師: 沈彥霖 我畢業於台北實踐大學服裝設計系.因為熱愛旅行及體驗新的事物,大學畢業後,我參加美國黃石國家公園打工旅遊,因此有機會在原始森林裡生活了三個月。這段時間,我體驗了許多以前從來沒做過及看過的事。 工作結束後,我用我所存的錢在美國旅遊了一個月. 那是我第一次接觸到世界級的美術館和展覽,也深深被國外的藝術氛圍所吸引.這段工作經驗及旅程深深地影響了我的思考及往後的人生規劃. 於是,我於2016年赴英國攻讀平面設計碩士學位.在英國求學期間,也到歐洲好幾個國家自助旅遊,也參觀了不少世界級的美術館,博物館以及美術作品,因而大開眼界。畢業後也努力爭取到倫敦一家設計公司的實習工作. 在上海工作一年後回到台灣,目前接案。 以下是我的個人作品集網站以及聯絡資訊- 個人作品集網站: yenlinshen-design.com 聯絡資訊: pi***@***il.com Graphic Designer: Yen-Lin, Shen I graduated from the department of Fashion Design of Shih-Chien University. After I graduated from university, I joined a “working holiday” program in Yellowstone National Park in U.S.A. I had the opportunities to experience a lot of new things that I had never done or seen before. After I finished the working holiday program, I saved some money to support me to travel in several different cities in the U.S. for four weeks. Those working and travelling experiences really broaden my view and influenced my thought for future life. In 2016, I went to UK for studying and finished my master degree of Graphic Design in Arts University Bournemouth. While I studied in the UK, I also went to several European countries for travelling and saw many world-famous art galleries and works. After graduation from my MA study, I got an internship job in a brand identity design studio in London. It’s really a great experience for me. I am currently working in Shanghai. Here below are my personal works website and contact information. Works website: yenlinshen-design.com Email: pi***@***il.com

  • 這張照片是一系列以藍色和白色為主的品牌設計,包括標誌、包裝和圖案。設計風格簡潔而現代。
  • 這張照片是 一個品牌的設計方案,其中最重要的是 “EVERMADE” 的品牌標誌,它由兩個字母 “E” 和 “S” 組成,並配以簡潔的字體設計,以及一個由多個 “E” 組成的新形狀的標誌。



